Monday, December 16, 2019

5 Bits of Bad Job Search Advice

5 Bits of Bad Job Search Advice5 Bits of Bad Job Search Advice5 Bits of Bad Job Search AdviceWeve probably all been recipients of bad advice at one time or another, on everything from what to buy, whom to date, how to conduct a job search, and the best way to write your resume.The intentions, Im sure, were good. But later maybe much later, especially with dating you learn the hard way that you may not have received the best possible counsel.When it comes to the job search, theres no shortage of advice, and much of it is well, not good. Heres a list of five pieces of bad advice, the bad reasoning behind them, and my own advice on what you should do insteadBad Advice 1. Dont bother looking for a job around the holidays.Reasoning Hiring managers are too busy to look at your resume. Theyre preoccupied with year-end activities, reaching annual and quarterly quotas, writing performance reviews, and planning their own holidays.My Advice If they need someone to fill critical roles, especi ally if a quota is on the line, they just might hire someone like you and quickly Or, if they need someone to fill a new position that takes effect in January, its a stahlkammer bet theyll be interviewing in November and December. Besides, if other job landseekers heed this bad advice, there will be less competition for you.Bad Advice 2. The earlier you arrive for your interview, the better.Reasoning Arriving early demonstrates your punctuality, your enthusiasm for the job and company, and creates a good impression with the hiring manager.My Advice Arriving 10 minutes early isnt a bad thing, but arriving too early sends at least one of the following messages You cant follow directions, you think appointment times are approximate, or youre desperate. You wont get interviewed until the scheduled time, and youll make people nervous by hanging out in the reception area. So if the interview is scheduled for 2 p.m., dont arrive earlier than 145.Bad Advice 3. Never take notes in an interv iew.Reasoning You must maintain constant eye contact with the hiring manager. Taking notes is a distraction.My Advice The typical interview lasts at least 45 minutes (or if all goes well, a lot longer), so youre probably not going to remember everything you discussed, especially if you ask questions (and you should). Hiring managers expect you to take notes, and doing so will send a clear message that youre serious about and interested in the job or company. It also gives you fodder for your post-interview thank you note, which you can use to reference a specific point you discussed. But if youre still uncomfortable about it, just ask at the start of the interview, Would you mind if I take notes?Bad Advice 4. You must say only positive things about ex-employers.Reasoning Saying anything remotely bad or negative sends the message that youre a complainer, or someone with an ax to grind.My Advice Interviewers understand that not every professional parting is based on a pleasant mutual decision. You can address something negative, as long as how you say it doesnt come across as bad. For instance, you might indeed have had an unreasonable boss, but if you say, My bosss ego was bigger than the State of Montana, it makes you look unprofessional. The best way to handle this? Use factual, non-emotional statements, such as My boss and I had different working styles, which caused a conflict, or The company changed the way it does business, and it limited my opportunities for professional development. The hiring manager might assume you harbor anger after all, just about all of us have had a job or boss that left us with bad memories but by sticking to the facts, youre sending the message that youve moved on.Bad Advice 5. Older workers need Botox or plastic surgery to get hired.Reasoning Although its illegal for a company to come right out and ask how old you are, they can see your wrinkles and gray hair. Ageism exists in the workplace, so making your appearance more yo uthful can make a strong impression.My Advice Donald Trump recently wrote a blog post on this subject (Laid Off? Try Cosmetic Surgery) and my initial reaction was, Donald Youre Fired But to his credit, The Donald debunked that advice a new nose or less wrinkly eyes arent going to get you a good job. Its all about your track record and what you can do. Not how you look. Id suggest working on your resume, not your face. So, skip the Botox injections and elective surgery, but make sure your clothes, shoes, hairstyle, and eyeglasses have been updated more recently than Y2K.What other bad job search advice have you heard? Please share it in a comment below.

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